C Socket Programming Pdf

Socket Programming Nikhil Shetty GSI, EECS122 Spring 2006. 2 Outline • APIs – Motivation • Sockets • Java Socket classes. Berkeley Sockets in C. TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers Michael J. Donahoo Kenneth L. Computer Chat. Socket How does one speak TCP/IP? TCP/IP Sockets in C. TCP/IP Sockets in Java. First, for a surprising number of people, socket programming is the first.

Chad3F 27-Aug-14 22:20 27-Aug-14 22:20 In the code you have memset()'s like: memset(&serv_addr, ' 0', sizeof(serv_addr)); memset(sendBuff, ' 0', sizeof(sendBuff)); But '0' is not a nul byte, ' 0' is (or just 0 without quotes). So you are really setting all bytes to 0x30 (the binary value for '0'). If you set all fields afterward, then it doesn't really matter (and the memset() is technically redundant). But in cases were there are extension fields (such as sockaddr_in on some platforms, which also have the field sin_len), there may be data set to values that the OS implementation don't interpret as defaults.

Oops, thank you for mention me about this. Yes, you are right, memset() is not needed in this case. The value set at memset() is overwrite afterward by strcpy function. And some might misunderstood including me, that memset have the ability to allocate memory, but is wrong. It means that memset NOT EQUAL TO malloc, so it is not necessary in this code. About sockaddr_in, well I am not sure memset is required depend on platforms.

I have tested this code in Ubuntu LTS 12.04 and Mac OS X. It shows me that sockaddr is not require memset. Thanks again for your knowledge sharing. Socket Wrench Ware Edition. You comment is so helpful to me.

Job Search Sockets are communication points on the same or different computers to exchange data. Sockets are supported by Unix, Windows, Mac, and many other operating systems. The tutorial provides a strong foundation by covering basic topics such as network addresses, host names, architecture, ports and services before moving into network address functions and explaining how to write client/server codes using sockets.

Audience This tutorial has been designed for everyone interested in learning the data exchange features of Unix Sockets. Prerequisites Learning Sockets is not at all a difficult task. We assume that you are well versed with the basic concepts of C programming.

C Socket Programming For Web Services