Les Triplettes De Belleville Youtube

Les Triplettes De Belleville Youtube

Javax.mail.internet.internetaddress Jar there. Dec 09, 2016 Skip navigation Sign in. Les Triplettes de Belleville. 7,877 likes 9 talking about this. Swinging Belleville rendevouz/ Marathon dancing, doop-de-doo/ Voodoo, can-can, balais.

De kleine Champion woont bij zijn grootmoeder Madame Souza en droomt ervan om ooit een groot wielrenner te worden. Na enkele jaren hard trainen krijgt hij eindelijk de kans om mee te rijden in de Tour de France.

Maar dan slaat het noodlot toe en twee duistere figuren ontvoeren Champion tijdens de Tour. Madame Souza gaat, samen met haar trouwe hondje Bruno, op zoek naar haar kleinzoon. Hun zoektocht voert hen naar het stadje Belleville, waar ze ‘De drieling van Belleville’ ontmoeten. Zij zullen helpen bij de zoektocht naar Champion.

With melodies that are both snappy and quaint, and lyrics 'en Francais,' this inspired soundtrack of jazz tunes composed by French-Canadian Benoit Charest harkens back to a bygone era. In the film, three cartoon crooners--elderly sisters--remember their heyday performing at Paris nightclubs in the 1930s. Musical by nature, the women now compose with household objects.

Their 'instruments' consist of a crackly newspaper, a metal grill from the refrigerator, and a wheezing Hoover vacuum cleaner. When the triplets meet Madame Souza, an old lady whose nephew competed in the Tour de France, she joins their jam, playing a bicycle wheel. These odd instruments provide for lots of musical invention, and Charest takes advantage of that.

The theme song, 'Belleville Rendez-Vous,' is classic swing with a catchy refrain. Another tune, 'Tour De France,' is an accordian ditty backing an announcer who reports the progress of the race. Charest adds further innovation with a pop ballad called 'Attila Marcel,' a piano piece called 'Jazzy Bach,' and the surfer song 'Pa Pa Pa Palavas.' There's even a quick hidden track at the very end--a bonus to careful listeners, and a funny memory for those who have seen the movie.