The Politically Incorrect Guide To American History Torrent
Politically Incorrect Guide to American History (PIG Guides)Thomas Woods 2004ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9475Have you ever wondered why individual freedom is so important? Why you should not trust those who say you cannot be free because you must be safe? Why they will never actually protect you? Why people cannot get along after decades of government interference with every aspect of our lives? What the words of the US Constitution really mean? Why and how 'welfare' destroys families, communities, and society?
![The Politically Incorrect Guide To The Civil War The Politically Incorrect Guide To The Civil War](
Sketch Gothic Font there. Why democracy inevitably leads to mob rule? What that Uncivil War Between the American States (1861-1865) really was about, and what Lincoln himself said and wrote about slavery? Why capitalism and enterprising spirit always triumph in the end?How World War I propaganda dragged America into, and escalated, an unnecessary conflict on another continent? How the FDR administration and its 'New Deal' caused the 'Great' Depression? How FDR's 12-year rule pushed America into World War II, as FDR later yielded to the murderous Stalin regime, leading directly to the Cold War? How Communists ever since the 1930s had been subverting America, by systematically infiltrating all its important institutions, including the government--while undermining every value real people with families and actual goals have lived by for centuries? Why that 'paranoid idiot' Senator McCarthy was much closer to the truth than those dishonest writers and corrupt academics who ridiculed him?How the 'Civil Rights' movement was, in the end, all about, and only about, power?
Who causes, instigates, and fuels the tension between every group imaginable under the sun? Who was JFK and who he wasn't, and how Reagan was different?
Why the booming 80s were not a decade of greed, and how Clinton abused power and wasted billions in the 90s. Images Of Sindhu Bhairavi Serial. Was the era of big government over? And along the way, what happened to the 'American Dream' of millions of people? These, and 100s of other questions are explored as Thomas Woods shatters lies and myths that have been promoted for decades by government institutions, universities, public schools, history teachers and textbooks, media pundits, and talking heads. This books will make you wonder about historical truth, and true history.
Capital One Hardship Program Auto. Wake up and start asking the right questions, so you can get closer to the truth.' You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.'